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Friday, March 5, 2010

is this the never-ending winter?

I'm really hoping we've seen the last of this season's snow here in NYC. I am weary of it. And although spring weather will require some definite work on my feet (read: in major need of a pedicure), I am ready for some warmer weather.

I am usually not a snow girl. I really don't like playing in the snow and the mere forecast of snow usually sends me into an eating frenzy that includes large quantities of chocolate. I've even been know to tell my daughter (when she was younger) that playing in the snow was only for boys. (I'm sure I'll get some lovely emails for that comment.) But I decided to turn over a new leaf and make the most of the recent snowstorm. I told Lily that her father and I wanted to take her outside to build a snowman. After she picked herself off the floor from fainting, she grabbed her coat and was eager to go along.

Once we got to the park, we started building a snowman. Fortunately, Lily watches Nick Jr and was able to recall an episode of Max and Ruby where they built a snowman. She taught her father and I how to properly roll the snow into a ball. Who says TV is not educational?

In the end, Lily was not real pleased with our snowman and kicked it down, but I'm sure she still has fond memories of the outing.

While we were there, we checked out the other snowmen that people had built in the park.

I think those people deserve points for the leaf toupee. Very creative.

And it's quite clear that this snowman's artist had Chinese food for dinner last night.

This was the best one:

Clearly it was built by someone who would be up for mother of the year since this snowman was complete with carrot, licorice and button eyes. I'm making a mental note for the next snowman outing.

Hope you enjoyed the snowmen pics.

Have a great weekend everyone and don't forget to participate in "Bits of my Weekend."
Remember to take pictures of your weekend and post them on your blog next Monday.
More details here.


  1. Love the photos and I share your disdain for the white stuff. Lily might like the book about the snowman contest that's in the Henry and Mudge series --

  2. love lily's scarf.

    and i love her strong personality. kick it girl...kick it :)

  3. Some family down the road from us made three snowmen on platforms with medals around their necks. Great idea during the Olympics! It was just too stinkin' cute. The built them right on the edge of their property where all the cars driving by would see them. They were huge!

    Check out my Texas kids very first attempt at a snowman. Snow in Texas? Just not right!

  4. haha loved the pics! I went to park too last week to try to make a snowman... well, it was actually a snowoman!! It turned out cute, but I don't want to do it again haha

  5. Hi, michelle, I'm a brazilian mother (and blogger) and I loved your blog and your family's journey at the Big Apple. I'll link it at my blog, ok?

  6. Thankfully, we don't get a lot of snow here in Georgia, but when we do, I love to build a snowman! In fact, it's a necessity.

    It was 70 degrees here chance of snow for us!

  7. Where'd you get Lily's scarf??? It's awesome! Can I have it when she's done with it? :-)
