in case you want to know more

Sunday, March 7, 2010

bits of my weekend- volume 2

Welcome to the second edition of Bits of My Weekend.

The weekend began with pancakes. Which is how every weekend should begin, right? These are homemade and contain zero calories. At least that is what I tell myself.

This little girl likes to climb into my bed to watch her early morning cartoons.

A lovely walk to the subway to catch the train to Chelsea.

Lunch at Chelsea Market.

While in Chelsea, we had a celebrity sighting. OK, maybe not a real celebrity. It was a Bravo TV celebrity - Jill and Bobby from Real Housewives of New York. I have to admit that I was not the one in our little group who spotted her first. But I'm not going to divulge who it was in order to protect their identity. I will only tell you that his name rhymes with "sod."

The weekend ended with my son Bo's basketball game. I only have one picture to share, but it was not for lack of trying. The eye of shame scolded me from the court and telepathically told me that I better not take one more picture. Now you know why there are not many pictures of my teenagers on this site.

It was a wonderful weekend and I do believe Spring has finally sprung here in Manhattan.

I hope you'll share your weekend with us, too! Fill out the Mr. Linky below if you would like to do so.
If you're not ready this week, plan on joining us next week!


  1. Love your pictures--and of course those Housewives are celebrities! They certainly act like them! Ha ha.

    Interesting that our sons both had basketball games this weekend, but I'm mostly just struck by how nicely lit the gym is where your son played--try not to notice that it looks like my boy was playing by candlelight! I swear that's not the case.

  2. My son played in the game just before your son! I thought that I recognized your son and husband but couldn't figure out why. The 92nd Street Y is a wonderfully kept facility and all of the boys seemed to have a great time - good healthy fun.

  3. Wow - he didn't even look like the only white-ish kid out there... cool!

    Can't wait to see you in a few short days!

    My post will be posted tonight... forgot the camera cord on the bus... ahh - the life of a tour guide.

  4. thanks for the cute idea!

    also - i completely agree that all things homemade contain zero calories.

  5. Im totally on board with this! looks like the arnold family had a wonderful weekend :)

  6. the photos are beautiful. i felt like i was walking along with you!

  7. I have been a "lurker" for a while and decided it was time to introduce myself. I LOVE your blog...we moved out of our "big city" when our kids were born...but are so inspired by your experiences and hope to be able to spend more time in the city with our kids! I LOVE your idea of Bits of My Weekend because most weekends, it's the little things that make our weekend so wonderful and special! Thank you for your blog...your family is beautiful!!!!

  8. I forgot to do the "bit of my weekend" this weekend! Geez! Now I need to wait 5 more days...I wish I had as nice of a camera as yours, what brand/model is it?

  9. Hi Michele

    Can you remove my linky (Robbie) to bits of my weekend. I don't have pics to post today.

  10. I enjoy reading your blog!!!!

    Philadelphia is my city love - but NYC runs a close second...

    Have a great week - Enjoy this WEATHER!!!!!

  11. oops! I didn't take pics this weekend - just wanted to leave a comment - sorry!

  12. Hi Einat-
    I use a Nikon D50. I totally love it and try to take it everywhere!

    Hi Pinkbows- I'm not technical enough to remove your linky:-)

  13. I love your pictures of your family and the city! My husband and I went to New York on our honeymoon and seeing all of these pictures takes me back :)

  14. The pancakes look AMAZING! It's a good thing they were calorie free. ;-P

  15. Those pancakes look so divine -- I love that they are so thin and stacked so high. When I was a kid, that was exactly how I liked to eat them...

  16. Im so excited to join the Bits of my Weekend! I love seeing life in NYC, now I get to share my life in OKC!
