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Sunday, May 23, 2010

bits of my weekend- volume 13

I can't believe I've been doing Bits of My Weekend for 13 weeks now. I love the community that's growing from it! If you haven't joined up yet, I encourage you to do so.

There is always a parade happening in NYC.
This weekend we watched the NYC Dance Parade.
Thousands of dancers danced the streets.

Some had a bit more flair than others.

I now have a sudden urge to learn how to belly-dance. Is that ok?

Fake tickets were handed out to bystanders who were not dancing. I ran away before I could get mine.

Flea market in Noho.

Trying on hats in the flea market.

This one's a keeper. I'm talking about the hat. Well...actually I'm talking about him, too.

A weekend is not complete without a cupcake. This is the adorable bakery called Butter Lane in the East Village. Delicious!

Peaceful view from our living room.
I heart New York.

What did you do this weekend? I'd love to know!

Add your linky here. But, please link directly to your post that is about what you did over the weekend. It's great if you title it "Bits of My Weekend." But you don't have to.

If you merely link to your blog and a random post that has nothing to do with your weekend, I'm afraid I'm going to have to be mean and delete your link. Gasp! Please don't make me do that. But please share your weekend!


  1. LOVE the hats!!! Have a great week!

  2. Now that it's summer, I can't wait to go to the city for the flea markets. They're so much fun :)

  3. I am SO jealous of your view!!!

  4. What a colorful parade! Great colorful pictures make me feel like dancing!

  5. Wish we had more parades in Los Angeles. Seems like you are always attending a fun parade. Jealous!

  6. I think it would be great to learn how to belly dance! The dancers always seem so happy with their body image! Love the hats and the sweet stop. And the citation given out. Cute.

  7. As always your photos are beautiful!!!!

  8. I wanna belly dance, too!

    My daughter and SIL are moving to NYC in August - we are so excited for them!!!

    :) Laura

  9. The tickets crack me up. I love that! No bits for me this weekend...still in CA and left my camera cord at home - the horror!! Will rejoin you next week!

  10. As a native Texan, I'm FASCINATED by NYC. I've never been, and if I do ever go, I'm sure I'd have no idea where to even begin! Thanks for sharing your NYC life. So glad I found your blog. :)

  11. Although I left my camera in the car when we went to a rooftop party in San Francisco, I did add a few pictures of the conference I attended and a few other pics from the weekend of gorgeous, but cold, weather in SF.

  12. I heart NYC too. Take a look at my "remembering" post from Saturday...

    Also, I have a couple of friends who belly dance with a troupe, and they're good. I tried it--took a class, and left an utter failure. My body doesn't work like that, apparently. Good luck, though--maybe yours does!

  13. It is more than fine to want to belly dance! Go for it!

  14. so, i love the hats.... i hope you guys sport them often in NYC!

    i love my Oregon view.... but I sure love your view too. you know... we should do a house swap for a vacation sometime!!! would that not be hilarious!!!!

  15. I agree! Cupcakes should be part of every weekend.

  16. I love seeing all the little shops you visit. I can't wait to go someday and try them myself.

  17. I really enjoy seeing the bits of your weekend. Thank you so much for sharing!

  18. life is one perpetual least in nyc :o)

    love the flea markets, i would be in heaven. the view is almost too beautiful to believe that it's real. postcard material!

  19. Thank you, Michelle for devising this genius weekly installment. In England, there's a scheme for teenagers (ages 14-18) called the Duke of Edinburgh. In this time (it extends to a maximum of 25 years of age for some), there are three sections to it Bronze, Silver and Gold.

    There are four parts to it to be completed: 1) Voluntary Work; 2) Physical participation (sport); 3) Expedition (camping, hiking walking with other D of E students) and 4) Skills.

    Bits of my Weekend has now become part of my photography project, slotting into Skills.

    I do love viewing each volume of the Bits of my Weekend so many thanks :)

  20. So love peaking into bits of your weekend. I always walk away with inspiration, encouragement and a smile!

  21. My family has come to enjoy your updates as much as I do! Our oldest daughter longs to have a foodie tour of NYC one day. You are living a grand adventure!

  22. the parade looks amazing. actually i took a few belly dancing classes and it's really fun. it's also a great workout. thanks for sharing! keep praying for nashville!

  23. What a colorful parade!! I love how there is always so much to do and eat in cities. That view is gorgeous by the way!!

  24. Love your "BITS OF MY WEEKEND" post!! NY looks so exciting! I have to say "I probably would have gotten a citation too!! It would have been for TRYING TO DANCE though!!!! ;)

  25. I've been following your Bits of my weekend posts since you began them! Such a great idea! I decided to join you! We had a cupcake weekend too. :)

  26. The bulk of my weekend was spent trying to cram 3,000 square feet of stuff into an 1,100 square foot condo. Yeah. I know. But I did link up my post about some of the distractions this weekend that kept me from making a dent in my unpacking. I need to get a shot of our "new view" of the river. Not as dramatic and fab as yours, but we're digging it.
