in case you want to know more

Thursday, March 18, 2010

i've included a handy visual in case you don't understand. you're welcome.

Lily (age 6): "Mom, have you seen the goose tape? I need it."


  1. lily makes us ALL laugh.

    what, pray tell, did she need goose tape for?

  2. She is CONSTANTLY making things. Cutting things. Pasting things. Taping things. I think this particular project ended up being a bag covered in tape that she held all her favorite stickers in. She's quite crafty:-)

  3. too cute-- that is definitely one for the record!

  4. Reminds me of the time we told Ben (age 2) we were going to Red Square and he asked about "Blue Triangle." ;-)

  5. My kids call it that too;0) Lily cracks me up

  6. We call those "Collierisms" around here. Named after my 15 year old Collier. He doesn't use them so much anymore which makes me kind of sad...but our family still uses the old ones...always will.
    This is a good one Lily!
