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Sunday, March 14, 2010

bits of my weekend- volume 3


  1. ha! rain, laundry and yummy food! we were on the same page. have a great week!

  2. I heard about all the wind and rain and am glad that you survived it to tell! The tortilla soup looks delicious, and the rest of your photos are wonderful. Thanks for sharing another weekend!

  3. the sunshine will be so nice to see again! loved the picture of the church. beautiful.

  4. Heidi- Isn't that church beautiful? I love that there are churches that look like that all over the city. They are just crammed in between apartments or buildings. They're just beautiful...

  5. The weather here in the city was ultra lousy and I also spent part of my weekend doing laundry (bah!)

    I agree on the beauty of the churches here in the city. We have one wedged between buildings in Yorkville and it is just gorgeous, but you would only know by walking halfway up the block LOL!

    I can't wait for warmer weather.

  6. very cool shots. Okay I took a few of my own this weekend...not as artsy and not up yet but hopefully before next weekend I'll get around to blogging my "bits". ;)

  7. East Coast weather has been this pits right???

    I can't wait for SUMMER!!!!!!!

    Have a great week!!!!!

  8. Oh yum...that soup looks just like my favorite otrtilla soup that I made last night!!!
