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Sunday, February 28, 2010

bits of my weekend- volume 1

Welcome to the first edition of Bits of My Weekend!
If you have photos to share from your weekend, please use the Mr. Linky below.
For more information on Bits of My Weekend. Go here.

Feel free to grab the button on the sidebar, too!


  1. Cute idea, but my weekend is over and I didn't take one single picture of anything. But I'll be checking in next week : )

  2. great idea! i love it!!!

    we leave for Ethiopia in 12 days... maybe after we get back and get settled i'll join in!

  3. I love it!! It will force me to document life better around here!

  4. I did it, sort of... It will be a great incentive to take more pictures. Come on over and check out how wildly different your view is from mine!

  5. New to your blog. I like the idea. My blog is under a pseudonym so it's a little harder but I'm thinking about doing it.

    Great pictures!

  6. Sorry about the goof up on the link..oops!

    Lots of fun Michelle. Can't wait to check out other's blogs.

  7. I think I have the same skillet that I also use to fry two eggs at a time because I am the only one who will eat eggs in this house.

  8. love it! i will participate next weekend. It will be an outer boro edition ;)

  9. Hi - found you over on AT and liked your idea!

  10. still might. but i hope to for sure next weekend. i love this idea.

    and the pictures in the city make me smile.

  11. Gonna give it a try... I love the idea.

  12. Oh my lordy, I love those boots!

  13. OK, I've linked up. Unfortunately, I have to use words. Can't stop myself. :-D

  14. Great idea! I was just working on doing a post of our weekend when I saw your blog post. Count us in!

  15. Hi, Ive just found your fantastic blog!! You are living my wonderful! Your apartmenty and views look amazing!
    Claire xx

  16. This is a most awesome idea! I'll give it a try next week.

    P.S. Your Jack Russell is adorable! I have one too, and she's a nutcase.
