in case you want to know more

Thursday, January 21, 2010

who says folgers is the best part of waking up?

My favorite part of the morning is walking the kids to school.
Even if we've had a rough morning and the kids have fought over the elevator buttons down all 31 floors.

Something about the city being awake, bustling, children everywhere.
I get a little buzz off it.
But the absolute favorite part of my morning is this crossing gaurd.
She is a constant for me in an everchanging city.

And she says this. Every. Single. Morning.

I love her.
And I have to fight the urge to hug her.

nyc school mornings from six in the city on Vimeo.


  1. you might be showing your southern roots is you try and hug a public servant in NYC.

  2. You walk you kids to school? What a mom!

  3. Don't be too impressed Ginger:-) It's only 2 blocks. And if I wasn't concerned Lily would fly away with some pigeons, I might have them walk alone!

  4. With her accent, I had to listen a couple of times... at first I thought she was calling you "sleepy-eggs!" Love that little shot of early morning NYC energy!

  5. Aren't big cities great? What a nice crossing guard. You can hug her.

  6. I love this and am so glad that you posted it. I loved New York, that whole urban scene, so much. I miss it, too...

  7. This is great! I did not know they had crossing guards in NYC.

    Ashley, with CWDkids

  8. My favorite part of the morning is to read your blog. Love your sense of humor. Thank you for putting a smile on my face throughout the day!

  9. Wow. She's so vibrant... so alive. Did you rehearse that with her a few times or tell her you were going to video her cuz she seems so ready to greet you? HAHA. I think I might want to slap someone who greeted me so lively in the morning like that. HAHA (Not a morning person)

  10. I love that you walk them to school - how do they feel about it?...

    She's GREAT! And cheery - she must be from New Jersey.

  11. Laughing at the comment right above...she must be from NJ...funny! That is great!
