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Sunday, September 27, 2009

changing our view

A few months ago we were innocently enjoying our simple suburban life. You know, summer grilling, late night walks in the balmy air, sleeping in....when BAM life hit us on the side of the head. It came out of nowhere. But I've seen it before. It seems every time my husband gets a new job opportunity it comes out of nowhere. I should know to start preparing by now, shouldn't I? I should continually hold on to something....

Soon my family will trade this view:

For this view:

We are moving to New York City in the fall. We, a family of six.

Let me tell you I have had a whirl-wind of emotions about this move. Don't get me wrong. I feel a great peace inside about moving, but it is going to be quite a change. The transition is going to be a stretching experience for me. And because I am a control-freak, I know it is going to provide for some interesting moments. Don't worry, for your entertainment I will share those moments with you here.

I have to run now. I need to go figure out how to cram a 6 bedroom Colorado home into a 3 bedroom NYC apartment.

1 comment:

  1. First, I LOVE that you are blogging about this. Second...I will have to come visit! :). If anyone can raise a family in NYC, it's you and Rod!! Excited for y'all!
